The whole world is in a huge health crisis due to COVID 19 pandemic. Over 180 countries are in complete lockdown situation. To continue the workflow in such circumstances is very much essential for every small and medium companies as well as individuals. But it is also a true fact that working remotely is not possible completely for all the businesses due to their natures.

Businesses with such facilities have the greater scope to continue working remotely and maintaining the workflow. A web designing company has the greater opportunity to grow its business remotely. Small and medium companies with no online presence can utilize this lockdown period to establish an online identity with the help of a perfect responsive web design.

Let’s say, your company has 10 employees on which 8 people have the desk job and the rest 2 are marketing persons. Considering this situation all of them are stuck in their own houses. That means its hampering the business of the company. In such circumstances if you can arrange a remote workstation for them, then your company will be able to continue its workflow resulting decrease of loss.

Working remotely has some advantages and disadvantages:

  • In this COVID 19 pandemic it will help you staying at home while continuing work from home.
  • You will have flexible time to work at your home i.e. there will be no strict shift timing in most of the cases.
  • The company will get benefitted as its work goes on a regular basis.
  • Working remotely saves time for going office and returning from there. On an average it takes about 1.30 hours for every employee as the travelling time – home to office and office to home. Working from home reduces this time.
  • As the travelling time reduces, the employees can devote more time in company progress.
  • While working remotely there might be a mild chance to face some miss communication between the employees.
  • There might be some delay in the work as continuous 10 hours work is not happening.

This is as a whole a brief description on working remotely. To fight against COVID 19 pandemic let us stay home stay safe and work remotely.